Singer Memberships

The Hilton Head Choral Society is an open membership organization:
- No audition is required
- Singers must be able to read music and to learn concert music independently outside of rehearsals
- Prior choral singing experience is desirable – church, school, or community choirs; chamber groups; barbershop groups, etc.
- Annual dues are $130 per member. The fee is not prorated for a partial season.
Female singers must also purchase standard performance attire.
- Members are encouraged to sing in all performances but may sing in any number of concerts as their schedule permits
- Members are required to attend at least 75% of the scheduled rehearsals for each concert in order to be eligible to sing the performance. Exceptions are made only with approval from the Artistic Director
- Members are expected to use the rehearsal tools provided by the Artistic Director to learn all concert repertoire, including marking music as instructed, referencing audio or video recordings, and attending sectional practices so group rehearsals can be productive in perfecting the quality of our performances.
- We are an all volunteer organization with a volunteer board of directors and officers. Thus, all members are expected to participate in some way in the activities that support the management and administration of the organization, i.e. marketing, fund raising, ticket sales, program advertising sales, website, event planning, database management, etc.
- Singers interested in joining the Choral Society may contact us by mail or email. If you are a HHCS alumnus who is no longer singing, we would like to have your updated contact information.
Hilton Head Choral Society
P.O. Box 22235
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
(843) 341-3818
Section Leaders
Sheryl Lowe
H – 843-815-6942
C – 248-914-6039
Judy Thorpe
H – 843-706-2729
C – 843-263-2011
Dan Castro
H – 843-363-5795
C – 843-384-2465
Marcus Walsh
C – 330-309-8378