Support Us

The Hilton Head Choral Society is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Ticket sales and dues only partially cover annual expenses. Individual contributions and Corporate Donors make it possible to include professional instrumentalists and soloists in our concerts, resulting in quality program performances.
Since the Hilton Head Choral Society is a non-profit entity, contributions are tax deductible. Donations of financial securities are also welcome.
Please support our efforts to perform quality vocal music by becoming a donor. You may donate online when ordering tickets, or by simply clicking here.
Recognition Levels
Personal or Corporate | |
Virtuoso | $1,000 or more |
Impresario | $500 to $999 |
Benefactor | $250 to $499 |
Patron | $100 to $249 |
Friend | $25 to $99 |
We welcome donations of any amount. You may make a tax-deductible donation online or mail to:
Hilton Head Choral Society
P.O. Box 22235
Hilton Head Island, SC 29925
Contact us at, or phone 843-341-3818.